SEISS Information
The claims service for the fifth SEISS grant is now open and those eligible have until 30 September 2021 to submit their claim.
The latest SEISS updates:
Delays to processing some 2020-21 Self Assessment tax returns
As HMRC shared in their last update, there is a delay to processing some 2020-21 tax returns where SEISS grant payments have not been reported in the way they expected, for example where their records show a different amount was paid than amount declared on the return.
From 19 June HMRC automatically correct the SEISS grant amounts entered on 2020-21 Self Assessment returns when they process them. They are currently processing and correcting returns submitted before that date. This work is progressing faster than expected and they hope to provide a further positive update soon.
HMRC will contact customers after correcting their return, and dependent on the changes made, you may need to take further action. It’s important to check any adjustment or statement of account to make sure the changes are accurate, otherwise you might be taxed twice for your SEISS grant. If you receive a statement of account and need to make further amendments to your return, you can search ‘check if you need to change your Self Assessment return for SEISS’ on GOV.UK for help on how to do this.
To make it easier for customers to make changes to their tax returns, HMRC have recently updated their processes and can now accept amendments to SEISS grant entries over the phone. Agents who are authorised by their clients can also make these amendments by phone, on their clients’ behalf.
HMRC know you may have concerns around the delay in issuing SA302 tax calculations/evidence of earnings where they’re needed for mortgage applications. HMRC have written to mortgage lenders to update them on the situation and ask that they consider accepting alternative evidence until this is resolved. Many mortgage providers will accept a copy of the SA302 printed from your online Self Assessment account or commercial software – search for ‘mortgage providers and lenders accepting printed tax summaries’ on GOV.UK.
Support remains available for customers facing financial hardship due to the delay, and anyone in this situation should call HMRC on 0800 024 1222 to speak to an adviser.
Advice for CIS subcontractors completing the turnover test for fifth SEISS grant
Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) subcontractors calculating their turnover figure for the 12- month period starting on any date between 1 April and 6 April 2020 (the pandemic year) should include the full amounts on their invoices, before any deductions contractors have made in the ‘CIS deductions’ box.
When finding their turnover figure on their Self Assessment tax return for 2019-20 or 2018-19 (the reference year), subcontractors should also use the full amount, before any deductions contractors have made in the ‘CIS deductions’ box.
HMRC will be updating our GOV.UK guidance shortly to make this clear for customers who have CIS deductions.
Information from Jim Harra Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary – HMRC
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