If you still receive your VAT repayments from HMRC by cheque, you can receive repayments directly into your bank account
Why receive electronic repayments?
• Simple and convenient – paid straight into your bank account giving you quicker access to your money
• Safer and secure – electronic repayments can’t be lost, stolen or delayed in the post.
How to arrange repayments?
• Logon to your VAT online account at GOV.UK and update your bank details on the VAT registration page – the bank account must be in the registered name or trading name of the company
• Provide us with the information by downloading form ‘VAT484 – changes to VAT registration details’ and sending this to HMRC.
Please note: your repayment details are different from your direct debit information and must be recorded separately.
If you are having problems updating your details help is available, please contact the VAT helpline Tel: 0300 200 3700.
Information from
Customer Education Team
HM Revenue & Customs
Corporate Treasury